~* I made a new bikini *~
That is very similar to the red one I designed, but this one is better ^^'
At least I like it!
Vote for it please! ^__^
~* I didn't go to bed when I said I would and this is the result ^^ *~
I designed some bikinis for nelly.com :P
I was pretty tired so I didn't give much effort into it, but still, vote for it ;P hihi
Bikini number 1:
~* Oyasumi bitches *~
Have some stuff to do ^^
Had a good time with Anneli today, we informed some people about their phone numbers.. haha xP
If they had numbers like: 070-fuck you and such :P
It was fun, but no one of them answered the textmessages! :O
How boring :(
But we had fun anyway.
Congrats to some Carl-Magnus for having a big dick, at least in his number! hihi x]
Yeah, we're easily amused, but sometimes being silly is great ^__^
I had a good time with Wan too obviously ;)
And he is going to make me the happiest girl ever! hihihi ^__~
At least if I get my way through, but of course I will :]
Gaaah, I get h**** just thinking about it *drooooool*
After it's done I will probably be so excited that I happen to tell you what it is xD
Since I had to write this now..
I always do these things..
Start telling about things I shouldn't be telling you about..
I should start a second blog, an anonymous one where I can write whatever I want ;)
Me and a friend was talking about that, but I think I was the only one who was serious with the idea, unfortunately :'(
Goodnight everyone, sweaty dreams ^__~

~* yeay *~
Let's hope for the best :]
Right now I'm sitting in Wan's room without Wan :(
It's not the same without him :P
So I'm gonna go visit my aunt, whom I haven't seen in over a month now.
After that I need to study, study, study ^^
Well, don't know what to write right now.
I'll be back later or somethiing :P
BaiBai Bitches

~* You thought I was going to be away for some days again, didn't you? *~
I just haven't been at the computer until now ;]
Today I went to hang out with Jackie, a girl that I met last weekend at Satin.
She's really a great person, we seem to have a lot in common and our personalities are similar ^^
She's an exchange student here in Örebro and has been since january.
Even so, I'm her first swedish friend!
I feel honored and a little sad at the same time.
I know that there are swedish people that like to talk and get to know people, but apparantly the one's that Jackie has met haven't been like that.. ;(
But that's gonna change now that we're friends! hihi ^^
I had a great time :]
And the cheesecake tasted good even though it looked weird.. haha ;P
Tomorrow there are meetings to go to!
I hope good things will come out of them ^^ hihi
Hope you guys have had an awesome weekend :)
Ciao, bitches

~* Three days grace - Wake up *~
I used to listen to them a lot before, but it's been awhile.
But I love them <3 haha
So now they're in my phone and in my head ^__~

~* Un-fucking-acceptable *~
Last weekend there were a little bit of drama..
But luckily I'm not the only one that understands that some people are idiots that try to destroy for others.
So it's OK ^__^
But I was really upset and frustrated at the time.
"Typically swedish girls" ....
Yeah, come on and say what you wanna say to my face and you'll see what this "typical swedish girl" can do!
Got it, bitches? (and I don't mean bitches in a good way here..)
Stop accusing me of stuff that I don't do -.-
Trying to remember what's been going on during this time I've been totally blog-absent..
Well, except for that weird video I posted for some weird reason I barely recall...
OK let's see..
I'll try to take it day by day here :P
Started out as a good day :]
Katrin came here to get a tattoo and afterwards we met up.
First time I met her, she's adorable ^^ hehe
You get happy when you see her, because she's happy, cute and colorful.
Thanks for the good company ^__^
Then there was Butsaya's party and then there was all the drama, so let's skip it, OK ;P
Felt hungover..
Had a little fun which decreased the headache for awhile, but then it came back (it's a great way to feel better though, haha.. having fun that is.. OK suddenly Nathalie is shy? I wont write it in an obvious way, I'm pretty sure you know what I mean anyway. My point is - women that says no because of headache and such are weird.. because the headache totally disappears! hah!).
Bought New Moon and watched it and then.. well.. I guess that's pretty much my sunday.
Wohoo.. I don't remember at all..
Meeting with my jobcoach and then (due to some female unexpected crisis) I went home to Joanna.
Well, first we had sushi and then I noticed the unexpected fucking annoying female problem..
Haven't been bothered with it for over a year and now.. again.. damn it.
I almost forgot we had stuff like that... x(
It was quit a good day anyway, since me and Joanna had our ususal (haha, can I start calling it usual now?) desperate housewives x cougartown day :] wiiee
Then Wan drove me home and spent the night.
Meeting at AcadeMedia again.
It was a group-meeting with the jobcoach.
And what a fine collection of people..? haha
Well, of course, there was me and Oscar.
Then there was the "cougar" that wanna sink her claws into our coach.
There was 3 foreign guys who stared at and talked about me during the whole fucking meeting -.-
There was a guy that went to my junior high.
I lend him a pen.. I think I saw him chew on it x( haha
But it's OK, I don't use it, I just have some extra pens so that I can lend it to people in case they don't have any.
Wow, haha, how nice of me xD
There was some other people as well but anyway :P
After the meeting Oscar and I went to McDonalds, had a burger and talked about this and that.
He's fun, and we're soon gonna have this super-serious-job-searching-day!
Cause we're good like that... haha ;P
Waffels-day! woohoo.
I wasn't feeling so good though, so it wasn't the best of days.
But there was waffels and there was Wan, my favorite "double u's" ;D
Why is it double U anyway? it should be double V..
It is in swedish! Dubbel V = W
Double U = UU
That aint right ;O
Meeting with Adam and we cleared some quetionsmarks I had about the company and how it works.
So I feel positive again :P hihi
Not that you know that I had doubts.. forgot to write that under "thursday" ^^'
After that Wan picked me up and we bought candy and watched movies x]
Well, that's today isn't it? :P
Haven't done too much yet.
Invited people for my showing of products and felt a little ill :/
But let's be positive here!
Wan is coming later and I don't think my female problem is a problem anymore.. ;P hihi
sorry.. But wouldn't it make you happy? :D hihihihihihihihi
BaiBai Bitches ;]

~* Random as hell *~
I'm very easily amused sometimes, I have to admit that x]
Found this in a random way, promise, I do not often search for videos with naked guys dancing with hamsters!

~* Bloody friday *~
You know I told you that both my parents can't because of their veins?
well, I don't have that problem :P
Unfortunately though... my blood pressure is too low ;(
I was so happy and then she checked my blood pressure.
I knew that something was wrong when she smiled a little and asked me: Do you often get dizzy when you get up to quickly?
Well, I don't have really low blood pressure, but still too low to give blood.
But I tried anyway!

~* I feel positive! *~
I do hope that I like it and that I succeed in it, because I like being able to decide for myself when I want to spend time on my job and how much I wanna do it.
Plus I can take it with me to Japan!
That's a huge plus in my book ^^
So I keep my fingers crossed that this will go well and that I can advance and become really good at it :]
It's gonna be a great thing for my selfconfidence as well and my personal growth.
Working with this will certainly help my stage fright when it comes to talking in front of a bunch of people.
Stage fright when it comes to singing I got over years ago, but talking makes me nervous.
Well, I'm good at talking ;P
But in front of a group... that's different!
Anyway, I know that at least right now I feel very motivated to get started with this!
I've been on 2 meetings about this today (the one with only Adam and a bigger one this evening) and I feel like it's something I could really enjoy doing!
Let's hope I'm right :]
Other than that.. well.. it feels like my day has been all about that actually!
It's been on my mind all day so :P
Just ask Wan, I've talked a lot about it and shared my visions with him ^^'
I guess it only proves that I'm excited about it!
OK, well, I'm gonna stop writing now.
You guys should get better at commenting!
Love you anyways ;P
BaiBai Bitches

~* Your best nightmare ever *~
Nozomi translated the song right away so I already have it in japanese now :]
When I'm back at my place again I'll start to make it into a song ^^
Don't feel like doing it here :P
I hope it's gonna turn out good!
I like the lyrics, just need to create a good melody and some good music for it ;P
Anyway, a good start to this day and I hope it's gonna continue to be that way ^__~
Right now I'm sitting here drinking some tea.
In less than an hour I will catch the bus into the city and have my meeting with Adam.
Fingers crossed that something good will come out of that one :P
After that I have a 1-hour thing at Academedia and then I'm done for today ^^
Tomorrow I'm gonna go to the hospital to give some blood :]
If I can!
I really hope I do..
I'll keep my fingers crossed for that one as well! hihi
Now I'm gonna continue to enjoy my cup of tea and make myself ready.
Have a great day, people!
BaiBai Bitches

~* meeting, hello kitty kinder eggs and a new song! *~
Thing is I was taking a walk with Joanna and by the time we were done there was like 30 minutes until my bus was going to arrive, so I waited in her appartment.
For some reason I was late for the bus.
I'm pretty sure me and Joanna probably talked for 2 minutes longer than we should have, cause i was 2 minutes late ..
The meeting was so fucking boring I thought I was gonna fall asleep -.-
But I didn't! hah!
After that I waited for Wan to get off work.
Met the viet guy and talked a little and then I wrote a new song :]
Or the lyrics for a song that I'm gonna translate into japanese!
I like it, I hope it turns out good in japanese as well, otherwise I guess I could make ti in english..
With some small changes so it sounds good ^^
Oh I bought Hello Kitty kinder eggs!
Or.. Wan bought them and I ate and collected the hello kitties but.. anyway!
Is that really chilidish of me?
Meh, I don't really care, I like it so whatever :P
Right now true blood is on TV, Wan has fallen asleep and I'm gonna go to sleep too.
Tomorrow I'm gonna have a meeting with Adam and talk about the company he's working for and then I have a meeting at Academedia (as usual).
Hope you had a good day, cutiepies <3

~* today has been a good day *~
Even though one of the meetings today was cancelled..
I went on another one instead so it's all good :P
Anyway, the reason this has been a good day isn't because of the meetings, naturally, but because of the people I've met ^__^
First off there was the man that worked at the library.
Yes, I know I've spent a lot of time at the library these two days, but I feel like such a good girl doing it :P
Besides I need to practice japanese.
So I was looking for books in japanese but I couldn't find any, so I asked a man that worked there.
And wouldn't you believe it - the man that I asked about japanese books just happened to speak japanese and be married to a japanese woman!
So we ended up talking for like an hour.
Unfortunately they didn't have any japanese books except 2 children books, but I borrowed them anyway to practice reading.
When the hour of talking was over I went to the cashier to borrow my books.
There was a line, but the man I spoke to called a colleague to help me out because I was going to Japan xP
So I didn't have to wait in line.
Second off there was the foreign swedish students at Academedia.
I had an hour until my meeting so I was sitting trying to translate on of the books (I try with the kanji.. hehe) and this asian man came up to me smiling.
He told me that he thought I looked just like an actress in some movie (didn't get which one but anyway) and he wanted to know my name.
Then he invited me to sit with him and his friends.
One woman from Thailand and one man from.. somewhere.. hehe ^^'
The man that came up to me first was from vietnam.
They were really impressed when I told them some words I know in their languages.
They were really nice and friendly and gave me hot chocolate and cookies ^^ hihi
Since I'm swedish they really wanted to speak to me and learn better swedish :]
I'm probably gonna meet them there tomorrow as well ^^
Then there was Joanna :D
Hihi we played today and I got to meet hear cute bear Lei Lei for the first time ^__^
We're gonna meet tomorrow as well and take a walk.
Some fresh air is never a bad thing!
And of course, Wan is a good person ^^
That I haven't seen all that much today ;/
So I should stop writing now and spend some time with him ;)
Hope you had a nice day everyone :]
BaiBai Cuties

~* End of day one *~
Actually, this day didn't end up the way I planned.
The meeting was cancelled so I had far more time until Wan came off work than I thought I would have.
When I was done with all the things I had to do I had 2 hours left!
So I went to the library to study some japanese ^^
Even though that's a good thing I should've chosen to go eat something instead..
I didn't have time to eat before my meeting at 6pm.
It ended at 7:30pm and by then I was shaking!
I was so fucking hungry..
I just finished eating sushi so I'm OK now, but it really didn't feel too good to be that hungry.
Soon we'll be going to my place so that I can pack my stuff since I'm gonna be living here all week.
I was supposed to stay here from yesterday, but I noticed all my good clothes were in the laundry!
Hate it when that happens..
But it's clean now so it's all good :P
By the way, I've met a lot of strange people today x]
Especially two of them.
One was this guy who really praised my beauty and tried to pick me up even though I told him I had a boyfriend.
He said a lot of funny stuff so I was laughing really hard.
I wasn't in a rush so I let him go at it for a while xP
The other one was a scary alcoholic man at the library.
He was nice to me and laughed and joked, but then he started yelling bad things to other people :O
He hated alcoholics apparantly (a little bit ironic if you ask me) and called everyone just that.
It was quite embarrassing.
I mean, he was talking to me and being nice, and then he was on his way out of there and started to yell at people.
Before he went out the doors he turned around and shouted goodbye to me and waved with a smile.
Heh.. yeah.. I don't want people to think I know that guy, he wasn't very nice to the people in there.. except for me of course ;/
Well well... that's all for now.
Have stuff to do :P
See ya tomorrow guys!

~* Busy week starts: now *~
I'll be back later :P
BaiBai Bitches

~* 3OH!3 ft. Katy Perry - Starstrukk *~
And having sushi!
Mm sushi :]

~* Swedish Eurovision song contest *~
I watched the swedish eurovision song contest yesterday.
The final!
I gotta say the song that won sucked big time ;/
The song was boring, the girl can't sing and there was nothing fun happening in the performance..
Boring, bad and just typically Sweden to vote for one of the worst songs.
I just wonder what type of people voted for it..?
It can't be because the song was good - because it's not!
It can't be because the performance was good - because it wasn't!
It can't be because of Anna's "unique" beautiful voice - because it's not beautiful and anyone can make that sound -.-
It can't be because Anna is hot or good-looking - because.. well.. OK.. let's not be mean here but you get the point ;P
I wanted Salem Al Fakir to win, I liked his song:
I also liked Ola Svensson's song ;P Because he's singing about me again! haha x]
My new anthem :P
Well, let's not be bitter even though we're not gonna be in this year's Eurovision song contest.
There's no way she's gonna qualify so.. yeah.. first year in a loooooong time Sweden's not competing.
BaiBai Bitches
~* Off to work for the last time! *~
Feels good to start at 12 and it feels good that I switched weekend's with A-C!
So that I get to work with different people for my last time.
Other than that I'm going to be with Wan tonight ^__^
As usual? ^^'
And next week is really gonna be a Wannie Honey week.
I'm quite busy with meetings, other appointments and giving blood monday-friday (I'm just giving blood once though, otherwise I would faint.. or die.. haha) and since Wan lives closer to those places than me it's better that I stay there all week ^^
I've never given blood before, by the way..
I hope I can!
My mom and dad have too small veins or something, so I guess there's a big risk I'm the same..
I hope not though!
Anyway, I might be back later or I might not.
Either way I hope you have a good saturday ^__~
BaiBai Bitches

~* Who the fuck is Alice? *~
Instead of doing nothing in particular Wan and I went to the movies to see Alice in Wonderland.
It was good, even if Anne Hathaway looked really creepy x]
I like the craziness though! ^__^
Today we've been at the.. ehm.. I really can't think of the right word for it right now..
I'm pretty tired for some reason.
Anyway, what do you call it when some companies gather and unemployed people can go there to get information about them or even apply for jobs.. whatever..
But that's what we went to earlier today.
Wan did it for my sake though, I didn't wanna go alone :P
Right now we're gonna watch "Luftslottet som sprängdes" I think.
Haven't seen it yet, I really should before I forget about the 2 first movies :P haha
Sorry for a boring blogpost but.. I'm really tired :O
BaiBai Bitches

~* Me singing ^^' *~
The video got ready faster than I thought!
So I'm uploading it already ^__^
This is me singing a disney song (haha lot of disney lately, huh?)
Well, you already know that I watched The hunchback of Notre Dame yesterday (it wasn't the only disney movie I watched though, but whatever).
So I'm singing a song from that movie!
It's the song that Esmeralda sings when she's trapped in the church, god help the outcasts?
I don't know if the song is called that, but who cares.
I like the song so I thought I'd try to sing it.
Have never really tried before actually.
I'm singing the swedish version!
A few notes before watching the video:
* I know it's not perfect, but it shouldn't matter to much I think. It's not the most serious video, just me singing in the garage ^^'
* Haha I know it sounds really funny near the end when I sing : "och tror att du hör" ^^' Overlook it please <3
* If you're an atheist, well, who cares. It's just a song. I can listen to songs that have crazy meanings (according to me) and still think it's good so ;P
* I look like shit and I thought an angel was fitting for the lyrics so.. that's why I put an angel in front of the camera instead of myself x]
Be nice people <3
And comment!
Or else I'm gonna be sad :'(
~* Long time no see - my dear Chai Latte *~
So today I've been enjoying not one, but TWO cups of sweet, lovely, wonderful Chai Latte <3
My love ^__~ haha
Even sweeter than my other love - Wan Sweet hihi
Naah, shared first place !
Anyway, I'm going to upload a video of me singing later, it's encoding right now.
I'm gonna start uploading singing videos since I love to sing and it might be fun for people to watch, what do I know ^^'
So stay tuned!
BaiBai Bitches

~* Disney movies really makes you think *~
I really love Disney movies ^__^
Not all of them, obviously, but the one's from my childhood.
Today I got a little Disney urge and I decided to watch a Disney movie.
It wasn't too long ago that I saw Beauty and the beast, Mulan and The Lion King so I watched The hunchback of Notre Dame.
I probably haven't watched that one since I was little.
It's a great movie, I love the storyline.
And it's fun to watch these movies when you're older, because you get them much more and see them in a different way.
I started crying of course, but I didn't expect not to x]
I think I love this movie because it's about misfits and people who don't get accepted because they're different.
I personally am one of those people who hate it when people judge others based on looks or nationality.
I don't judge a book by it's cover and I think being unique and different is not a bad thing.
I know a lot of people judge me by my looks, it's easy to notice since they're very open about it, giving comments and such when I'm walking down the street.
But you know what?
I don't care :]
They don't know me at all.
One thing that do get to me though, is that some people seem to think I'm someone who thinks I'm better than the rest.
That is so far away from who I really am and it bugs me that people think I'm like the idiots that I hate.
I've got comments like "You're the kinda girl that knows you're better than everyone else".
I don't know if that guy in particular meant that in a bad or good way.. but I'm not better than everyone else.
All people are equal in the terms of worthness.
The only people who are worth less are murderers, rapists and such..
When I was a kid (I know this because my mom had told me) other mom's said that "Nathalie knows she's pretty", and said it with an attitude.
I really wasn't one of those kids.
I was extremely shy and I've never (as far as I can remember at least) thought that I'm very pretty.
It's been more of the opposite actually.
Sure, I have my good days, but most of my days aren't.
When I go out clubbing though, I'm the hottest girl ever to walk this earth!
Well, in my mind of course x] haha
Anyway, I guess I shouldn't care if some people see me as someone that walks all over everyone and put myself on a piedestal..
But I really don't know why they would get that idea since it's so not me.
Then again, they're people who don't really know me so, I can live with it.
I really do hope that you guys don't hate on people who are different.
Being special is a good thing ^__~ hihi
Stand up for "the little guy" instead.
Stand up for those who have a hard time fitting in.
Stand up for those who have no one on their side.
Giving a helping hand to people that need it feels so good.
Knowing that you've made a positive difference in someone elses life is so rewarding!
I really do think the world would be a much better place if people we're more friendly and accepting of others <3
~* I really love this man's voice! *~
I'm talking about Peter Jöback.
His voice is so different and cozy and lovable and..
I just love it ^__^
That's why I hope we send him to the Eurovision song contest this year.
I don't really care all that much about that competition, but I love Peter and hope he wins!
He seems to be the sweetest guy ever as well.
Damn it, I wanna know him!
He just seems so warm and kind :]
Some of Jöback:
ESC song: Hollow
Disney Aladdin - A whole new world (I had to ^^')

~* Lazy Nathalie *~
I was busy saturday-sunday and when Wan went home I was too tired to blog so..
Here's an update about the weekend:
Tissa had a little party in her "new" appartment.
Hehe.. well.. it's new to me!
I haven't seen her in a few months so logically I haven't seen her appartment yet since she moved during that time :P
Anyway, it was really fun and sexy.. ;P haha
A lot of Twister and sex-questions.
I gave up on twister though, so I joined the spectators instead.
Wannie Honey was much better so I let him play for the both of us ^^'

I have to say K and Wan was the best at twister ^^
I tried once and then gave up, haha.
Anyway, I had a good time and it was nice to hang out with a bunch of "long-time-no-see"-ers! ^__^
We talked about having a sex-party soon, it was awhile ago now.
It would be fun to go to a sex-party with Wan so that we can order stuff together ;P
Plus it's fun, if you're with the right people.
In case you don't know what a sex-party is, it's not a party we're everyone has a giant orgy, it's like a tupperware party, but with "slightly" sexier products :P hehe
Hanging out with Wan all day ^^
It was a great day, and memorable for certain reasons, at least for me.
And I felt really happy :]
Which is always a nice feeling, right? :3
It's monday and right now I'm blogging (no shit sherlock), listening to music and preparing things for the week.
Have a lot to do really, job- and japan-related.
So this is where I stop writing for now ^^
Hope you guys had an awesome weekend and that your monday wont suck :P
BaiBai Bitches

~* wohoo, weekend! *~
Right now I'm sitting here waiting for Wan to show up ^__^
Don't know what we're gonna do yet, but I haven't seen him since sunday so I kinda just wanna be with him :]
By the way, when is it time to stop buying clothes from the children section?haha ^^'
I love H&M's children section, but I only buy hair-pieces and stuff, they're so cute.
But recently I bought a hello kitty top there :P
I'm wearing it now, that's why I'm writing about it.
Is it OK for a 20 year-old to buy clothes from the children section?
I think it is, as long as it fits, and it does so :P haha
It's a lose model, not a tight one!
I liked it and I thought it was cute so I bought it ^^'
I can't wait to shop for my own kids when I get them <3
It's gonna be awhile though, I don't want kids yet x]
Ueeww.. I'm too young for that!
I wanna focus on me before I focus on stuff like that.
And I don't know if I want kids of my own..
Maybe I'll adopt.
We'll see.... in about 10 years or so xP
Haha, all I know is that I don't want kids right now!
But I have already named them and decided what sex they're gonna be x]
Have I told you about that?
Maybe I have..
I think about it a lot really, even though I know I can't decide that (the sexes I mean), but I can decide on names!
I just hope I don't get more than one son or I'm gonna have to come up with more boy-names :P
OK, you guys are gonna think I'm a freak now, but I don't care, because I have nothing better to do right now.
This is how I imagine my kids to be:
* 2 girls and 1 boy
* Nova, Vincent and Nikki (for first names, but I have actually already thought about there middle names as well, 2 each).
* Nova is the oldest, Vincent the middle-kid and Nikki the youngest.
* Nova will end up with a black guy, Vincent with an asian girl and Nikki with a white guy :P
Haha OK that's taking it too far, but I want to have grandchildren that's..ehm..colorful? OK that sounds so bad.. Don't know how to explain it well, but I want the family to be very interracial ^^' I like to mix :P
* I have thought about their personalities too, but I do realize that that is REALLY taking it too far, because that's something that's personal and I can't change that. Although I could raise them differently so they end up like I want them to... just kidding, just kidding! ^^'
Anyway, I know it's weird..
That I'm the one having these thoughts is even more weird.
I'm not really a baby-lover..
But I guess it'll be different when you get your own kids!
I do love some kids though, the cute one's x]
But there are so many kids that are just soooo annoying.. yuk..
Anyway, I like to think about the future that I do want, just not yet.
Haha, I have imagined my wedding as well ^^'
To make me seem less weird, my sister actually thinks about these things as well, and I'm sure we're not alone!
Haha, we actually talk about it together and how our kids are gonna be best friends and blah blah blah x]
She wants 2 girls and 1 boy as well.
Or sons are gonna be the hottest, coolest most wanted guys in school ;P
And all their friends are gonna think me and my sister are MILF's :]
The future is bright! haha x]
OK, I should stop this right now and do something else while I'm waiting.
You guys already now I'm weird, but there's no need to make it worse!
Have a lovely friday, people <3

~* Just wanted to say "oyasumi" *~
Soon midnight and I always have a hard time falling asleep so..
Good idea to go to bed now, or else I'll wake up really late tomorrow!
Weird unecessary blogpost?
Nope, not at all.
It's always nice to say goodnight to people ^__^
Sweaty dreams, bitches ;P
Godnatt, Goodnight, Oyasuminasai, Guten Nacht, Bonne Nuit and so on ;3
It's quite easy to see that english and swedish are related to german right?
Guten Nacht
Anyway, like I said before...
Yeah, don't feel like saying it again really ^^'
Dream about me, cutiepies <3

~* Mon francais est trés bien! *~
I like french, but I haven't studied it since I was 15 (I had french in school when I was 13-15).
Now I'm trying to find good french songs to sing and listen to.
One thing that I like to do to try my knowledge in a language is to take a song and translate it into english!
Or swedish, but it's better to translate it into english so that it's easier to check if I was right or not (the translations available on the internet are most likely not in swedish, but in english..)
I try with japanese songs, but I kinda fail ^^'
It's hard you know, and you need to know a lot to actually understand sentences..
I know some things of course, but mostly with japanese songs I manage to figure out words here and there and since they have a special way of expression it's hard to link the words together so they make sense to me :P
But! I tried this yesterday with a french song and it so totally made sense! hah!
I understand quite a lot of french and I'm really happy about that :]
I really wanna start studying it again to learn to speak almost fluent french, it would be awesome.
Making own sentences I'm quite bad at, but understanding (at least written french) I'm good at ^__^
Maybe it's because I have a little bit of french blood in me?
I don't know, probably not though.
I'm completely swedish, it's so far away that it doesn't count.
And I doubt my french origins really, I think that I have russian blood in me!
People always think I'm russian, they come up to me and starts speaking russian and I love vodka so..
Yeah, I'm more russian then french..
Although I like wine and baguettes :D
And gay people ;)
Just kidding! Joudan dayo ^^'
Not about liking gay people but.. yeah.. you probably get what I mean, right?
Anyway, sorry for being so blog-absent!
It happens sometimes, I'm sorry.
Today I've been slightly afraid to blog, because I tend to write/say whatever's on my mind..
And I don't think that the most memorable thing of today's activities is a good idea to write about here ^^'
So, I'm gonna stop now, before I get too into it and tell you anyway :P haha
Hope you had a good day, madams, mademoiselles and monsieurs ;)
Au Revoir, Bitchis ^__~
~* Tila Tequila - I love U *~
I so wanna party with this girl!
She seems awesome ( yeah I did watch "A shot of love with Tila Tequila" both seasons.. just because she's crazy :D )

~* I got it from my mama *~
I promise ^^'
I do like that song though.. for some reason..
I feel very motivated to start to get slimmer now.
So I took my measurements to see how far from my ideal body I am.
Actually, I'm not miles from where I want to be :]
I know that I can lsoe weight fast if I just get going (which I obviously never do..)
I want to lose about 2 inches around the waist and the ass :P
If I wanted to follow the ultimate ideal I would wanna lose more inches around the ass though, but I wanna be realistic.
Thing is, I've always had an ass (you guys know what I mean), really, even when I was slim.
It's kinda me, I have curves, and to lose it wouldn't be me.
So I follow my own ideal ^__^
Which is what everyone should do of course!
I don't feel a need to be super skinny, in fact I wouldn't want to be that at all!
I wanna be normally slim with curves :]
That is the body-type that my body is made for ^^
And the title, well, I look a lot like my mom, and I got her bodytype :P
By the way: one reason for my motivation is Wan.
He's working out a lot now.. And I don't want people to wonder what the hell he's doing with me ^^'
I want people to think we look good together :]
BaiBai Cutie Booty ;D

~* Marie-Mai - Emméne-moi *~
I heard this song for the first time at the Olympics closing ceremony.
I think it's great (even though the video kinda sucks), but the song is nice.
Catchy ^__^
I haven't heard of her before.. or have I?
I actually don't know.
The name and the logo seemed familiar, but I've listened to some of her songs on spotify and I don't recognize them..
Anyway, here's the song:
She has more good songs, but this is the one she sang at the closing ceremony! :]
Other than that - Oyasumi Cutie Booty ^__~

~* Rob Dougan - Clubbed to death (The Matrix soundtrack) *~
I feel like being completely badass when I hear this ^__~
I love it!

~* Weekend, hockey and boobs *~
I know I didn't blog yesterday, but who cares to read blogs on a hangover sunday anyway? ;P
Although I wasn't hung over, I had a very cozy day with Wan.
I didn't really feel "woohoo", just felt like chillin' all day.
I was probably the most awake when we watched the Olympic hockey final between USA and Canada.
It was a great game really, very fun to watch.
That's how I like hockey to be!
Physical, fast, aggressive and exciting.
The judges didn't hand out too many penalties, there was barely any penalties at all actually!
It's great :]
However, I did want USA to win, but it doesn't matter too much to me ^^'
I just think it would have been fun ;] hihi
I'm a little evil like that.
Wanting Canada to lose because they're in Canada :P
But I knew they would win, there's no way they would have let USA win that final.
Anyway, fun game to watch ^^
The release party this saturday was another fun thing!
It was great, all the tickets were sold out and the place was really crowded.
I had a "chinese hooker oufit" and a really cute asian guy by my side (aka Wan of course ^__~)
It was great to experience my little sisters first time out as well! haha
She's still a minor (16 years old), but we managed to keep her safe thoughout the night ;]
She turns 18 next year when I'm (hopefully!) in Japan so I would have missed her first time.
But I didn't! Ha! :D
Really fun that Sara and Elli baby came too :]
And Sebastian, my cousin.
Haven't met him in quite a while.
Well, that was a little about the weekend.
Today is monday (no shit sherlock) and I haven't really done anything worth mentioning yet ^^'
My breast are getting bigger again, by the way.
Haha, that's worth mentioning x]
They had a growing period a while ago, then they stopped.
Now, they're growing even more.
Haha, I thought by the age of 20 the breast usually stopped growing?
I'm not complaining though and I have a theory (that I've probably told you guys about before).
I think that when you're in love, the breast grow!
Don't feel like going through the whole theory, but that covers up the main thin in it ^^'
Yeay, more love, bigger boobs :D
Well, I should probably stop writing now...yeah...
BaiBai Bitches ^__~