~* Disney movies really makes you think *~

I really love Disney movies ^__^

Not all of them, obviously, but the one's from my childhood.

Today I got a little Disney urge and I decided to watch a Disney movie.
It wasn't too long ago that I saw Beauty and the beast, Mulan and The Lion King so I watched The hunchback of Notre Dame.

I probably haven't watched that one since I was little.
It's a great movie, I love the storyline.
And it's fun to watch these movies when you're older, because you get them much more and see them in a different way.
I started crying of course, but I didn't expect not to x]

I think I love this movie because it's about misfits and people who don't get accepted because they're different.
I personally am one of those people who hate it when people judge others based on looks or nationality.
I don't judge a book by it's cover and I think being unique and different is not a bad thing.
I know a lot of people judge me by my looks, it's easy to notice since they're very open about it, giving comments and such when I'm walking down the street.
But you know what?
I don't care :]
They don't know me at all.

One thing that do get to me though, is that some people seem to think I'm someone who thinks I'm better than the rest.
That is so far away from who I really am and it bugs me that people think I'm like the idiots that I hate.
I've got comments like "You're the kinda girl that knows you're better than everyone else".
I don't know if that guy in particular meant that in a bad or good way.. but I'm not better than everyone else.
All people are equal in the terms of worthness.
The only people who are worth less are murderers, rapists and such..

When I was a kid (I know this because my mom had told me) other mom's said that "Nathalie knows she's pretty", and said it with an attitude.
I really wasn't one of those kids.
I was extremely shy and I've never (as far as I can remember at least) thought that I'm very pretty.
It's been more of the opposite actually.
Sure, I have my good days, but most of my days aren't.
When I go out clubbing though, I'm the hottest girl ever to walk this earth!
Well, in my mind of course x] haha

Anyway, I guess I shouldn't care if some people see me as someone that walks all over everyone and put myself on a piedestal..
But I really don't know why they would get that idea since it's so not me.
Then again, they're people who don't really know me so, I can live with it.

I really do hope that you guys don't hate on people who are different.
Being special is a good thing ^__~ hihi

Stand up for "the little guy" instead.
Stand up for those who have a hard time fitting in.
Stand up for those who have no one on their side.
Giving a helping hand to people that need it feels so good.
Knowing that you've made a positive difference in someone elses life is so rewarding!

I really do think the world would be a much better place if people we're more friendly and accepting of others <3


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