~* Weekend, hockey and boobs *~
Hello everyone ^__^
I know I didn't blog yesterday, but who cares to read blogs on a hangover sunday anyway? ;P
Although I wasn't hung over, I had a very cozy day with Wan.
I didn't really feel "woohoo", just felt like chillin' all day.
I was probably the most awake when we watched the Olympic hockey final between USA and Canada.
It was a great game really, very fun to watch.
That's how I like hockey to be!
Physical, fast, aggressive and exciting.
The judges didn't hand out too many penalties, there was barely any penalties at all actually!
It's great :]
However, I did want USA to win, but it doesn't matter too much to me ^^'
I just think it would have been fun ;] hihi
I'm a little evil like that.
Wanting Canada to lose because they're in Canada :P
But I knew they would win, there's no way they would have let USA win that final.
Anyway, fun game to watch ^^
The release party this saturday was another fun thing!
It was great, all the tickets were sold out and the place was really crowded.
I had a "chinese hooker oufit" and a really cute asian guy by my side (aka Wan of course ^__~)
It was great to experience my little sisters first time out as well! haha
She's still a minor (16 years old), but we managed to keep her safe thoughout the night ;]
She turns 18 next year when I'm (hopefully!) in Japan so I would have missed her first time.
But I didn't! Ha! :D
Really fun that Sara and Elli baby came too :]
And Sebastian, my cousin.
Haven't met him in quite a while.
Well, that was a little about the weekend.
Today is monday (no shit sherlock) and I haven't really done anything worth mentioning yet ^^'
My breast are getting bigger again, by the way.
Haha, that's worth mentioning x]
They had a growing period a while ago, then they stopped.
Now, they're growing even more.
Haha, I thought by the age of 20 the breast usually stopped growing?
I'm not complaining though and I have a theory (that I've probably told you guys about before).
I think that when you're in love, the breast grow!
Don't feel like going through the whole theory, but that covers up the main thin in it ^^'
Yeay, more love, bigger boobs :D
Well, I should probably stop writing now...yeah...
BaiBai Bitches ^__~

I know I didn't blog yesterday, but who cares to read blogs on a hangover sunday anyway? ;P
Although I wasn't hung over, I had a very cozy day with Wan.
I didn't really feel "woohoo", just felt like chillin' all day.
I was probably the most awake when we watched the Olympic hockey final between USA and Canada.
It was a great game really, very fun to watch.
That's how I like hockey to be!
Physical, fast, aggressive and exciting.
The judges didn't hand out too many penalties, there was barely any penalties at all actually!
It's great :]
However, I did want USA to win, but it doesn't matter too much to me ^^'
I just think it would have been fun ;] hihi
I'm a little evil like that.
Wanting Canada to lose because they're in Canada :P
But I knew they would win, there's no way they would have let USA win that final.
Anyway, fun game to watch ^^
The release party this saturday was another fun thing!
It was great, all the tickets were sold out and the place was really crowded.
I had a "chinese hooker oufit" and a really cute asian guy by my side (aka Wan of course ^__~)
It was great to experience my little sisters first time out as well! haha
She's still a minor (16 years old), but we managed to keep her safe thoughout the night ;]
She turns 18 next year when I'm (hopefully!) in Japan so I would have missed her first time.
But I didn't! Ha! :D
Really fun that Sara and Elli baby came too :]
And Sebastian, my cousin.
Haven't met him in quite a while.
Well, that was a little about the weekend.
Today is monday (no shit sherlock) and I haven't really done anything worth mentioning yet ^^'
My breast are getting bigger again, by the way.
Haha, that's worth mentioning x]
They had a growing period a while ago, then they stopped.
Now, they're growing even more.
Haha, I thought by the age of 20 the breast usually stopped growing?
I'm not complaining though and I have a theory (that I've probably told you guys about before).
I think that when you're in love, the breast grow!
Don't feel like going through the whole theory, but that covers up the main thin in it ^^'
Yeay, more love, bigger boobs :D
Well, I should probably stop writing now...yeah...
BaiBai Bitches ^__~
