~* wohoo, weekend! *~
It's always nice when it's weekend.
Right now I'm sitting here waiting for Wan to show up ^__^
Don't know what we're gonna do yet, but I haven't seen him since sunday so I kinda just wanna be with him :]
By the way, when is it time to stop buying clothes from the children section?haha ^^'
I love H&M's children section, but I only buy hair-pieces and stuff, they're so cute.
But recently I bought a hello kitty top there :P
I'm wearing it now, that's why I'm writing about it.
Is it OK for a 20 year-old to buy clothes from the children section?
I think it is, as long as it fits, and it does so :P haha
It's a lose model, not a tight one!
I liked it and I thought it was cute so I bought it ^^'
I can't wait to shop for my own kids when I get them <3
It's gonna be awhile though, I don't want kids yet x]
Ueeww.. I'm too young for that!
I wanna focus on me before I focus on stuff like that.
And I don't know if I want kids of my own..
Maybe I'll adopt.
We'll see.... in about 10 years or so xP
Haha, all I know is that I don't want kids right now!
But I have already named them and decided what sex they're gonna be x]
Have I told you about that?
Maybe I have..
I think about it a lot really, even though I know I can't decide that (the sexes I mean), but I can decide on names!
I just hope I don't get more than one son or I'm gonna have to come up with more boy-names :P
OK, you guys are gonna think I'm a freak now, but I don't care, because I have nothing better to do right now.
This is how I imagine my kids to be:
* 2 girls and 1 boy
* Nova, Vincent and Nikki (for first names, but I have actually already thought about there middle names as well, 2 each).
* Nova is the oldest, Vincent the middle-kid and Nikki the youngest.
* Nova will end up with a black guy, Vincent with an asian girl and Nikki with a white guy :P
Haha OK that's taking it too far, but I want to have grandchildren that's..ehm..colorful? OK that sounds so bad.. Don't know how to explain it well, but I want the family to be very interracial ^^' I like to mix :P
* I have thought about their personalities too, but I do realize that that is REALLY taking it too far, because that's something that's personal and I can't change that. Although I could raise them differently so they end up like I want them to... just kidding, just kidding! ^^'
Anyway, I know it's weird..
That I'm the one having these thoughts is even more weird.
I'm not really a baby-lover..
But I guess it'll be different when you get your own kids!
I do love some kids though, the cute one's x]
But there are so many kids that are just soooo annoying.. yuk..
Anyway, I like to think about the future that I do want, just not yet.
Haha, I have imagined my wedding as well ^^'
To make me seem less weird, my sister actually thinks about these things as well, and I'm sure we're not alone!
Haha, we actually talk about it together and how our kids are gonna be best friends and blah blah blah x]
She wants 2 girls and 1 boy as well.
Or sons are gonna be the hottest, coolest most wanted guys in school ;P
And all their friends are gonna think me and my sister are MILF's :]
The future is bright! haha x]
OK, I should stop this right now and do something else while I'm waiting.
You guys already now I'm weird, but there's no need to make it worse!
Have a lovely friday, people <3

Right now I'm sitting here waiting for Wan to show up ^__^
Don't know what we're gonna do yet, but I haven't seen him since sunday so I kinda just wanna be with him :]
By the way, when is it time to stop buying clothes from the children section?haha ^^'
I love H&M's children section, but I only buy hair-pieces and stuff, they're so cute.
But recently I bought a hello kitty top there :P
I'm wearing it now, that's why I'm writing about it.
Is it OK for a 20 year-old to buy clothes from the children section?
I think it is, as long as it fits, and it does so :P haha
It's a lose model, not a tight one!
I liked it and I thought it was cute so I bought it ^^'
I can't wait to shop for my own kids when I get them <3
It's gonna be awhile though, I don't want kids yet x]
Ueeww.. I'm too young for that!
I wanna focus on me before I focus on stuff like that.
And I don't know if I want kids of my own..
Maybe I'll adopt.
We'll see.... in about 10 years or so xP
Haha, all I know is that I don't want kids right now!
But I have already named them and decided what sex they're gonna be x]
Have I told you about that?
Maybe I have..
I think about it a lot really, even though I know I can't decide that (the sexes I mean), but I can decide on names!
I just hope I don't get more than one son or I'm gonna have to come up with more boy-names :P
OK, you guys are gonna think I'm a freak now, but I don't care, because I have nothing better to do right now.
This is how I imagine my kids to be:
* 2 girls and 1 boy
* Nova, Vincent and Nikki (for first names, but I have actually already thought about there middle names as well, 2 each).
* Nova is the oldest, Vincent the middle-kid and Nikki the youngest.
* Nova will end up with a black guy, Vincent with an asian girl and Nikki with a white guy :P
Haha OK that's taking it too far, but I want to have grandchildren that's..ehm..colorful? OK that sounds so bad.. Don't know how to explain it well, but I want the family to be very interracial ^^' I like to mix :P
* I have thought about their personalities too, but I do realize that that is REALLY taking it too far, because that's something that's personal and I can't change that. Although I could raise them differently so they end up like I want them to... just kidding, just kidding! ^^'
Anyway, I know it's weird..
That I'm the one having these thoughts is even more weird.
I'm not really a baby-lover..
But I guess it'll be different when you get your own kids!
I do love some kids though, the cute one's x]
But there are so many kids that are just soooo annoying.. yuk..
Anyway, I like to think about the future that I do want, just not yet.
Haha, I have imagined my wedding as well ^^'
To make me seem less weird, my sister actually thinks about these things as well, and I'm sure we're not alone!
Haha, we actually talk about it together and how our kids are gonna be best friends and blah blah blah x]
She wants 2 girls and 1 boy as well.
Or sons are gonna be the hottest, coolest most wanted guys in school ;P
And all their friends are gonna think me and my sister are MILF's :]
The future is bright! haha x]
OK, I should stop this right now and do something else while I'm waiting.
You guys already now I'm weird, but there's no need to make it worse!
Have a lovely friday, people <3
