~* 3OH!3 ft. Katy Perry - Starstrukk *~
And having sushi!
Mm sushi :]

~* Swedish Eurovision song contest *~
I watched the swedish eurovision song contest yesterday.
The final!
I gotta say the song that won sucked big time ;/
The song was boring, the girl can't sing and there was nothing fun happening in the performance..
Boring, bad and just typically Sweden to vote for one of the worst songs.
I just wonder what type of people voted for it..?
It can't be because the song was good - because it's not!
It can't be because the performance was good - because it wasn't!
It can't be because of Anna's "unique" beautiful voice - because it's not beautiful and anyone can make that sound -.-
It can't be because Anna is hot or good-looking - because.. well.. OK.. let's not be mean here but you get the point ;P
I wanted Salem Al Fakir to win, I liked his song:
I also liked Ola Svensson's song ;P Because he's singing about me again! haha x]
My new anthem :P
Well, let's not be bitter even though we're not gonna be in this year's Eurovision song contest.
There's no way she's gonna qualify so.. yeah.. first year in a loooooong time Sweden's not competing.
BaiBai Bitches
~* I really love this man's voice! *~
I'm talking about Peter Jöback.
His voice is so different and cozy and lovable and..
I just love it ^__^
That's why I hope we send him to the Eurovision song contest this year.
I don't really care all that much about that competition, but I love Peter and hope he wins!
He seems to be the sweetest guy ever as well.
Damn it, I wanna know him!
He just seems so warm and kind :]
Some of Jöback:
ESC song: Hollow
Disney Aladdin - A whole new world (I had to ^^')

~* Tila Tequila - I love U *~
I so wanna party with this girl!
She seems awesome ( yeah I did watch "A shot of love with Tila Tequila" both seasons.. just because she's crazy :D )

~* Marie-Mai - Emméne-moi *~
I heard this song for the first time at the Olympics closing ceremony.
I think it's great (even though the video kinda sucks), but the song is nice.
Catchy ^__^
I haven't heard of her before.. or have I?
I actually don't know.
The name and the logo seemed familiar, but I've listened to some of her songs on spotify and I don't recognize them..
Anyway, here's the song:
She has more good songs, but this is the one she sang at the closing ceremony! :]
Other than that - Oyasumi Cutie Booty ^__~

~* Rob Dougan - Clubbed to death (The Matrix soundtrack) *~
I feel like being completely badass when I hear this ^__~
I love it!

~* Scandal - Shoujo S *~
I don't actually know if I like the song or not, it's quite catchy, but what I do know is that I really like to watch this...
Hahaha, well, yo can't blame me, right? ;P

~* Iyaz -Replay *~
I think it's really sweet <3
I get happy when I hear it so I want it here on my blog :3

~* Jay Sean ft. Lil Wayne - Down *~
But I like it better without the video really.
He sounds hot, but well.. he's not ^^'
Not according to me anyway.
But the music is the important thing so who cares <3
Haha it also reminds me of this song, that I would like to dedicate to my dear sister - the twilight-freak!
It's in Swedish though.
You're so fucking twi-li-li-li-light ^^

~* Taio Cruz - Heartbreaker *~
"I'm only gonna break break ya, break break ya heart"

~* The GazettE - Headache man *~
The GazettE has a special place in my heart :3
This is a song from their latest album [DIM]
No video unfortunately, but I think the picture that's used in this vid is awesome ^__~
Red, black and white - my favorite color combination of all time :D
And some of the hottest guys alive.
It simply can't go wrong ;]

~* Domenicer - bög mamma kines *~
I just recently heard it when I read one of the blogs I follow, http://transan.blogg.se, which you should check out by the way!
Now back to the song..
It's catchy x]
It's in swedish, but there is a translation under the video ;P
I'm not trying to make it rhyme, just simply translating so you know what the song is about ^^'
Who are you to tell me
in what hole I'm supposed to stop my thing
I was bullied in school
and judged at my work
A gay has to be
a sissy and posh
You think your life's hard
But I'm a mother
First there's delivery
and then there's breast-feeding
Diapers and gruel
For all of my money
I wake up 4:30am
Cause the kid is crying
It's not easy being from China
See everything slanted is a fucking pain in the ass
4 little dishes, noodles and rice
Not so strange that you pass gas
Chorus: Gay, mother, Chinese
I am gay, I'm a mother, Chinese
A gay is supposed to be bitchy
and listen to schlager (look it up :P)
Quelle bullshit!
I puke 'til I'm skinny
Who is what
when I'm flirting?
Do I have to wave
with a rainbow-flag?
A minute in front of the mirror
just forget about it
I have vomit to clean up
and a potty to empty
"When are we there"
"What's for dinner today?"
Bolibompa on tv
every single day
Eating with sticks
We smoke opium
to calm our senses
Wrapped up feet
in kid size 6
I'm ugly and I'm yellow
and I can't even walk
Chorus: Gay, mother chinese .....
Dance in Rio, wake up in a porn-cinema
Home by nine so I call Josefine
I hear the phone ringing
But I'm running to day care
Dreaming of Paris
But I live here in Bagis
People always think you're from Japan
I'm really sick and tired of fried banana
Chorus: Gay, mother, chinese
I'll probably have this song stuck in my head for the rest of the day xP

~* Koda kumi - get up and move *~
What can I say..
I just love this girl ♥
Her style and attitude is not very typical for most japanese girls.
She's not shy about sex and stuff ;P
I'm not saying that japanese girls are, but she's very open about it.
How many japanese female singers have the phrase: "you've got me really horny" , in any of their lyrics? :P
They tend to be more cute, ne? ^^
Since I adore cuteness I like that too, but like I said - I love Koda Kumi's attitude !
Not my fav. song, but I chose it because it is the "horny" song x]
Which means it's the song where she sings she's horny :P
Damn, I think I'm horny now ^^'

~* Jonathan Coulton - Baby got back *~
Hehehe, den är rätt mysig :P
Alltid kul med covers som låter helt olikt originalet också.
Hittade den när jag och syrran tränade här hemma, vi sätter på lite weird musik ibland.
Nu tränade vi inte till denna versionen utan den riktiga versionen, men det ledde till att jag hitta den här ^^'
~* Ayumi Hamasaki - M (above and beyond remix) *~
Den här låten med den här mixen kommer jag nog aldrig tröttna på ^__^
Har ju inte gjort det än i alla fall ;]

~* The Veronicas - 4ever *~
Jag gillar The Veronicas, de gör låtar som man kan sjunga med till och som är catchiga ^^
Det här är inte min favorit låt med dom, men det är väl den senaste de gjort (well, inte så ny direkt, några månader gammal, fast jag hörde den nyss :P).
Sen gillar jag att Jess är blond nu.
Ser man lite skillnad på dom ;P
Annars gillar jag nog "Take me on the floor" bäst ;] hihihi
Om man är på lite naughty mood!

~* Ai Otsuka - Planetarium *~
Och så är den ju med i Hana Yori Dango också, så den ligger ju extra varmt om hjärtat ^__^
Satt och kolla runt på youtube och så kom jag till den här av en slump och var bara tvungen att lägga upp den innan jag drar mig från datorn ^^
Oyasumi, cutiepies <3

~* Jason Derulo - Watcha say *~
Tycker den här låten är rätt chill, den är skön att lyssna på.
För mig har den ingen speciell betydelse (jag kan inte relatera till texten på ett personligt plan), men den har känsla.
Iofs är den väl kanske negativ och lite ångestframkallande för personer som blivit sårade, men jag får inga såna känslor.
Man behöver ju inte lyssna på texten så mycket om man inte känner för det :P hehe
Nej, jag gillar den, gillar soundet ^__^
So, watcha say? ;P
~* The GazettE - Toguro *~
Kärlek <3
Det är vad det är :D
Finns ingen video till låten tråkigt nog (för det är min fav. låt med dom) så jag lägger upp en bild istället ^__^

~* Owl City - Fireflies *~
Tyvärr så är alla versioner med riktiga videon inte tillgängliga att lägga upp här, men efter den här "videon" så borde det komma upp som förslag på liknande klipp ^__^
Fast det är ju låten man ska lyssna på, så det kanske inte gör något :]