~* One step in the english direction *~
This is my first "vlog" ever and I was a little bit bored so this is the result:
I feel like I don't really have to write so much about this, I pretty much explain it in the video, right? :P
>> I will start to blog in english :)
And even if it doesn't give me any more readers it's always good practice for myself I guess ^^'
About the english - come on, it's not everyday you sit in front of a camera speaking english?
At least not here in Sweden :P
Also, the beginning is fake.. but since I've never taken any acting-classes whatsoever I guess you figured that one out on your own ^^'
Wait.. no you didn't.. I told you in the video myself ;]
You would have totally bought it otherwise, you're so gullible ^__^ (that word looks kinda cute to me since on way of saying cute/sweet in Sweden is gullig)
Swedish: Just ja, skulle skriva på båda språken ^^'
Fast jag har ju ändå redan skrivit om det i förra inlägget..
Plus att ni nog förstår innebörden ändå!
Om inte: testa google translate x]
Lär ju bli lika ful svenska som det brukar bli ful engelska när man översätter :P
BaiBai for now, bitches ♥
känner mig lite som en bitch när man sitter här och läser :P varje gång man kommer till slutet får man ta den skiten xD men nice iaf att du kör "vlog" :P + att jag har en awesome day ^^
Gick juh bra med första vlogen! ;) hehe
märkte inte något speciellt dåligt med engelskan ;o