~* Blogpost from work *~
I'm done for the day actually.
Now I'm just waiting for my ride ^^;
Listening to music, drinking hot chocolate..
Haha but it's OK, because I've finished writing (paperwork today).
I wonder if there's anything else I can do while I wait.
Maybe I should go see if thereäs anyone left here..
I think there is, but ti's always quite empty at these hours.
Empty and dark..
I'm always getting ideas for horror movies when I walk the corridors when it's so dark x]
Can't help it really, I'm interested in making movies so a lot of times I'm pretending it's all a movie and I get ideas for writing a script.
That reminds me, I should finish my movie! And film it ;)
It's awesome ;D
Anyway, I'm gonna go for a dark walk now ^__~
~* September - Mikrofonkåt *~
September's cover of Petter's song "mikrofonkåt", which she made for the tv-show "så mycket bättre" (so much better).
I saw it on tv and really liked it and now the single is out there, great :]
I'm horny for the microphone ^__~
~* Rihanna - S&M *~
This is so my song right now (hate the bad youtube quality though.. )
Feels so good being bad
There's no way I'm turning back
Now the pain is my pleasure cause nothing could measure
Love is great, love is fine
Outta box, outta line
The affliction of the feeling leaves me wanting more
Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it
Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But chains and whips excite me
Oh, I love the feeling you bring to me, oh, you turn me on
It's exactly what I've been yearning for, give it to me strong
And meet me in my boudoir, make my body say ah ah ah
I like it-like it
S S S & M M M
I could have written this song.. ;P haha
~* what a week... *~
I've been soooo tired :(
Maybe it's because I've been sick and was eating penicillin until wednesday.. I don't know.
All I know is that I've been a zombie everyday after work..
So I had a calm friday, went to bed early and out of bed late :P
So now I should be fit for fight again ^__~
We'll see what I'll do tonight.
Haven't decided yet, but I gotta do something.
Have had no life for too long now..
2 weeks of boredom and sickness!
Bad shit is over now, on to the good shit ;]
~* Like asian fashion and free shipping? *~
They had lots of clothes, bags, shoes etc. from asian brands.
I'm checking it out right now to see if I should order anything ;)
There's a lot of stuff I want, but I need to think about my budget here.
I'm saving a lot for Japan so I'm kinda limited when it comes to shopping ^^;
Doesn't hurt to look though, right ^__~
See ya in the intersphere~
~* Thanks, Doc *~
I met with a doctor who checked my throat and all.
He prescripted some penicillin for me.
I love him <3 haha
Not that I wanna be in need of medicin, but seriously, when you've been sick for so long it's great.
I can already feel a huge difference from before ^__^
I can even hold a tune now!
Even though I sound like Bonnie Tyler or something ^^;
On monday I'm sure I will be in as excellent shape as I normally am ;)
Maybe I can even do something this weekend!
Who knows..
Not today though, but maybe I'll feel fine tomorrow.
Hope I'll be fine enough to do something.
I miss hanging out with people ;(
~* Snowing *~
Tomorrow when I'm going back to work I will be stepping outside for the first time in a few days and it will feel like a whole different time of year!
Last time I was out it wasn't really that cold and there was no snow..
Now (at least from what I've heard) it's really cold outside and.. yeah like I said, its snowing.
I feel a little better now actually.
I still can't talk and I did throw up again.. but still, my throat doesn't hurt as bad and I don't have a fever!
Yeay, I'm getting better.
Which is definately neccessary right now because I HAVE to go to work tomorrow.
Since the health centre says there's nothing wrong with me (retards..).
And this is my 5th day staying home being sick.
But it totally feels like I can handle it tomorrow, assuming that I feel better tomorrow than I do today.
I hope I'm not coughing too much.. it's really gross.
Oh, I also hope I don't throw up either ^^;
I refuse to do it at my workplace!
I also wish that my voice comes back soon!
It's really annoying and sad to not be able to speak or sing ;(
~* Don't you think it's weird? *~
At least that's how it is in my case.
I always feel very motivated to workout.
during these days of sickness I've been very motivated to sing and make songs.
Only problem is.. well.. I can't even talk so how could I sing?
Anyway, I've decided to write and record songs before going to Japan.
I have 4 months without a full-time job so I should have the time :P
I guess what I could do is write a lot that could possibly become lyrics.
But I don't know if i'm willing to take the risk to subconsciounsly include disgusting sickness related words ^^; haha
I should write anyway, since I feel so motivated.
Can't just let it pass just because I can't sing!
Hope you guys are healthy and well <3
I'd hate for ya'll to feel the way I feel ^^;
btw, have I told you that I've created a new blog that I will use during my stay in Japan?
I haven't used it yet and it's not finished, but I'll give you the address soon :]
~* Lonely, I'm so effin lonely.. *~
It's really boring to feel like this.
I want to go somewhere, but I can't.
And no one would probably volunteer to be with me either.
They'd be like: euww, get away from me!!
I had plans for this weekend, but now all I can do is sit here at home doing nothing except coughing and feeling disgusting.
Maybe a shower would cheer me up?
It's when times like these occur that you really don't like being single.
A boyfriend wouldn't mind spending time with you even if your sick <3
A good boyfriend anyway, haha :P
I'm thinking about doing something anyway, but I'll probably regret it.
And I absolutely HATE my voice right now.
It's fugly and much darker than usual.
And sometimes no sounds comes out but a whisper.
I sound disgusting and look disgusting and that would definately ruin my mood and I would wish that I was home instead of wherever I foolishly decided to go..
Naaah, I'll stay at home.
Yippie ;/
I had a REALLY awesome weekend a week ago, I could fantasize about that :P
~* OMG OMG OMG! *~
I decided to see what other asian bands they have now..
I found BIGBANG, 2ne1.... and... The GazettE!!!! ^__^ <3<3<3<3<3<3
Only 3 songs so far, but who cares.
It's more than none, and I love it <3
OK sorry, I just become so fangirlish when it comes to them ^^;
I don't think I would be able to handle it i fI saw them live.. or met them.
I'd cry, laugh, scream, faint.. well.. yeah, normal fangirl busniess, ne? x]
When I'm in Japan I'll surely go see them live...
We'll see if I live to tell the story ;) haha
Off to see what other bands are on there :]
~* Willow smith - whip my hair *~
So I guess the Smiths are special to me somehow.
Anyway, this is his daughter singing her song whip my hair.
She's only 10 and totally adorable (looks so much like Will!).
Maybe the lyrics didn't take a brainiac to write, but so what?
It's catchy and I think she's really good :]
I can't wait to see what's to come for cute little Willow<3
One thing I think is awful though..
So many people hate on her and write nasty, mean comments.
I know people like to hate on others, but to hate on a kid? seriously?
Sure, it's to be expected in the world of entertainment.
But I still find it disgusting when the target is a kid!
And I saw a clip from a live performance, she's a good singer, the voice isn't too fixed even though one might think so ^^
~* SNSD vs. Ke$ha *~
My vote goes for SNSD.
Maybe it's just that korean sounds cooler or the fact that there's a bunch of cute asian girls in it ^^; haha
btw, SNSD are on spotify. Awesome :]