~* Hello darlings *~
I don't really have time to write so much, but I wanted to do it anyway so you guys know that I'm alive :P haha
Work is still cool, even though I've burned myself during it :(
Stupid sun! haha
Today we're having a realtive gathering or whatever you call it.
Wan's coming with us :P
Should be fine though, I think he's already met the really crazy part of the family!
I mean... he's met me, what can be worse? x]
All I'm saying is that I'm the way I am for a reason, and my parents are the way they are for a reason..
It's all in the family :P
Anyway, gotta get myself ready now!
Have a good weekend, bitches <3
~* summer-break *~
Yeah, the kids in "my" class are now officially on their summer-break!
I've had a great time with them these past 3 weeks and I really hope that I get to spend more time with them after the summer ^__^
Otherwise I'm gonna get sad :'(
I didn't expect any presents from the kids, but I got a few and it really warms my heart :]
I got earrings, candy, a colorful candle holder and some cute cards ^__^
And of course plenty of hugs :D
Well, it's been a good day :]
Let's hope it continues that way.
Anything else would be totally gay.
And I don't mean that in a good way..
I know that it's cheating to say
the same word twice - but hey!
I'm only human, so shut up okay? ;P
Now I'm gonna cuddle with Wan ^__~
BaiBai Bitches<3
~* "cant come up with a title right now" *~
naah, my creative skills are still asleep ^^; sorry
Good thing I get a ride to school today (haha, I feel so young saying that... but you all know that I don't go to school, but work there ;P).
I wouldn't have made it in time otherwise because of a stupid paper I couldn't find.
It's important that I send it today so.. yeah.. I felt stressed out.
But luckily - like I said - I get a ride today and I found the paper so it's all good ^__^
Need to write a list though, of everything I need to do today...
we had a meeting yesterday so I can quit earlier today, which is very much needed.
I have tons of stuff to do and tonight at 6pm we're having the parents over to show them what the kids have learned this year.
So I work until 14:40 today ^__~
But since I have so much to do I don't exactly think of it as getting off work early -.-
Anyway, gotta go soon.
Hope you have a good day everyone <3
~* couple tee's *~
Matching clothes with your boyfriend/girlfriend - cute or ridiculous?
I think it's cute, if you match colors and/or textures, but I don't like it when a couple is wearing the exact same shirt our even complete outfit sometimes.
That doesn't look good to me.
It can be almost the same, but not entirely the same.
some couple tee's look just like each other, but the one's that has the same theme without having the same motive I really like and I'm thinking about buying some ^^
I don't care if people think it's silly, I think it's cute.
I just need to ask Wan first ^^; haha
Hopefully he likes it too and of course I wouldn't make him wear anything he doesn't want to (yeah right ;P)
So what do you guys think about couple tee's, matching outfits etc.?
~* Sverige *~
Since it's the swedish national holiday today, I will blog in swedish!
Ja, till Sveriges stora ära ska jag blogga på svenska, haha, känns ovanligt ^^;
Jag hade egentligen tänkt dra någonstans och sjunga, men det blev massa annat istället.
Inget firande sådär direkt faktiskt, någon annan som firar på något speciellt sätt?
Man måste i alla fall sjunga igenom nationalsången minst en gång under denna dag!
Det tycker jag - det är ju trots allt vår nationaldag.
Jag tycker att vi ska börja fira lite mer.
Norge "går ju bananer" på deras nationaldag ;P haha
Så varför gör inte vi?
Man behöver inte överdriva, men lite mer än idag i alla fall tycker jag vore fint ^__^
Från och med nu ska jag fira lite mer!
I år blev det ju inget speciellt, men varenda år som är kvar av mitt liv ska jag visa att det är Sveriges nationaldag - var i världen jag än befinner mig.
Ha på sig blå/gult, göra Sverige-tårta/bakelser, göra massa blå/gula drinkar om det är läge för att festa ;P
Man kanske skulle skaffa sig en svensk folkdräkt? haha x]
Nej, men i alla fall göra någonting och fira med folk.
Med massa svensk musik ^^
Så, vilka är på nästa år?
Ni får ta er till Japan, men det gör väl inget? ^^;
~* Health, oh sweet health *~
Woohoo, I'm not sick anymore :]
Well, I actually got better on thursday, so I worked the last part of the week.
I still like it very much and the kids are still awesome.
For example: one of them took a picture of me and said that she would post it on her "bilddagbok" with the caption: the best teacher in the world.
Haha ;P
Yesterday after work I went to Hallsberg with Wan to play volleyball and hang out with people.
After that we went to say happy birthday to my cousin, Benjamin.
he turned 16 this week!
Still can't believe it, time passes by so quickly, he's my little cousin! gaaah!
Today we're going to say happy birthday to someone else who actually still is small - Wan's littlesister Ni Win :]
She turns 10 years old ^__^
She's adorable and loves to talk about anything and everything :P
Right now I'm sitting here outside, blogging in the sunshine.
22 degrees, perfect, I don't like it too hot.
Anyway, I should get ready cause wan comes here any minute now!
Have a nice day, people <3
wohoo, my hair looks plastic :P
Stupid webcam x]
~* No school today either *~
Unfortunately I'm still ill ill ill ill.. (echo....)
I really wanted to go today, but there's no point when I'm feeling like this.
I wouldn't make it through the day.
Damn it!
I hope that my immune system gets a boost out of this so that it can handle more in the future.
If all goes well I will work there 'til next year ^__^
I should get something to eat now and take a shower so that I feel human again.
Have a nice and sunny day, people <3
~* Desperate housewives *~
TV-night - perfect when you're not feeling well.
Not that tuesdays are not usually TV-night.. but anyway ^^; haha
Anyone else watching DH?
~* Perfect timing! *~
You guys are starting to read my blog again (I guess because there's actually something to read..^^;) and my body decides to get sick so that I can't write about anything fun x]
Yeah, I'm still not well.
Tomorrow I'll be, wether my body wants to or not.
I don't wanna miss school (it's more fun when you're not in it, but telling others what to do , haha ;P).
Anyway, off to sleep again, no reason getting up this early today.
I'll probably try to get some air, the weather is really nice.
1st June.. 7 months for Wannie Honey and Princess Bunny ^__^
And officially summer?
So I guess I have to try to feel as good as possible, it's a beautiful day <3
BaiBai for now, bitches